Educational Resources that Empower Churches and Transform Lives

Living out the Orthodox Christian faith in our modern culture isn't easy. We face the risk being shaped by the world, leading to constant struggle. That's why we create resources at Faithtree to help you practically apply the faith and experience the peace, freedom, and joy in Christ. Explore our programs and resources today to bring your community closer to God and each other.

Our programs are designed to help churches enrich their ministries and make a profound impact on their communities. We come alongside you in the home and in the parish to help you learn, live and share the Faith.

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All Faithtree Resources’ programs:

  • The Encounter Prayer Book

    We know faith is grown when we pray. But we often don’t know where to begin. The Encounter helps individuals grow in their personal daily prayer discipline.

  • Divine Liturgy

    Being present and focused in the Liturgy doesn’t always come easily. Divine Liturgy is a video series to help individuals better understand and experience the peace God offers to us in the Divine Liturgy.

  • Super Saints VBS Program

    New! Super Saints Vacation Bible School is a five-day program that teaches children the path to holiness through engaging activities and songs.

  • The Relationship Project

    The Relationship Project is a series addressing teen mental health. It helps youth leaders facilitate meaningful discussions on identity, intimacy, and mental health.

  • Lionheart Sessions

    Engage the men in your parish with Lionheart Sessions. Participants delve into various aspects of intentional Christian manhood, relationships, and spiritual pursuits over four weeks.

  • Removing Barriers

    Get our step-by-step guide that helps your parish ensure safety, inclusion, and full participation for those with a disability.

Your donation helps transform lives.

Join us in our mission to create a catalytic movement of Orthodox Christians living out their faith. Your generosity helps us create resources that foster vibrant, energized Christian communities. 

Stories of Impact

Rev. Fr. Andrew Andrews,
St. Nicholas Orthodox Cathedral, Los Angeles

“As clergy, we have so many things pulling on our time. And to the extent that there's a resource out there that we can go to, that we know we can rely on, that's been vetted, that has expertise both in the religious component, but also experts in medical and behavioral health that have looked at some of this material and are presenting to us a consolidation of all that thinking into one place—it just really does a huge job to compress the time it takes for us to put materials out there. So I appreciate it very much, because it allows me to do more with the time the research is done.”

Charles Ajalat,
Orthodox Vision Foundation Co-Founder

“Now that we're in a culture that is not only a post-Christian culture, and I'm afraid it's in the process of becoming an anti-Christian culture, we have to have our high school students and our college students be able to know their Faith—so that lovingly, they can answer their colleagues who have a different value system. What could be more important than the salvation of our children? I would urge you to give generously, because Faithtree is having a major impact on the Orthodox Church. ”

About Us

Faithtree Resources is dedicated to creating vibrant Christian communities through Orthodox group studies and resources. We work with clergy, hierarchs, and faithful to develop resources that fosters dialogue and relationship-building in small groups, helping communities grow in faith and closer to God.